Thursday evening a large group of teens homeschooling around Tallahassee went bowling together.
What is Teen Scene?
Teen Scene is a group specifically for homeschooling teens, ages 12 and up, in the Tallahassee and surrounding areas to socialize. This group is not educational, but SOCIAL. The expectation is that our homeschooling teens will meet and get to know each other in a fun, wholesome setting.
We have come up with a few guidelines. These are not laws and should not be a substitute for thinking. Teen Scene will work best if everyone tries to follow these guidelines. For example, Teen Scene is not intended to be a time for parents to drop off their offspring with the hope that someone else will be responsible for them. However, there may be a time that a parent simply can not attend and their teen would really like to be there. In this case parents should contact a responsible adult to take charge for their teen. If this becomes habit or is otherwise abused, we will address this on an individual basis.
Parents and younger siblings are welcome to participate, but the outings are primarily for teens. Younger siblings and parents are welcome as long as the teens don't have to keep up with their siblings.
The way Teen Scene works is each family who participates will host an event at least once during the year. This event is whatever the host family chooses. It may be a bonfire, movie night, camping, laser tag, game night, skate night, bowling, etc.
That does not mean that the host family will bear the financial brunt. It means that the host family sets up an event and posts the details such as cost, date, time, and what to bring. Most events are potluck and pay your own way things. FREE events are really good!
Membership in Teen Scene is free. Of course, the outings have differing costs. We would like to have outings at least once a month. If enough families join, we may have more than one outing a month.
Do I have to host? Yes. That is the only requirement to being in Teen Scene. You must commit to hosting at least once during the year. You have 30 days from the time of sign up to give a date to host. That does not mean that you must host within 30 days - just give a date to host.
You can email me privately that you want to join Teen Scene, and when you picked a date, you can email the date you will host to me. I will keep track of the people who have chosen to join, dates of events to post to the calendar, and that families are hosting at least once a year. I will periodically post to the group the list of dates and activities planned for all our planning purposes.
Want to get involved in Teen Scene? It's easy.
Email Us By Clicking Here! Or at HomeSchoolerz@Gmail.com
We hope you will join us!
Sherry Phillips
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