Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future

“Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.”

There are two gifts remaining at my house, although Christmas is over and the New Year has begun.  These two gifts mean more to mean than any gift this year, and they are not for me or from me.  They are for my son’s friends.  My son is 28 years old, married, and lives 6 hours away now, but he left a Christmas gift for each of his two best childhood friends.  They’ll stop by to pick them up at their convenience.  I have no idea what is inside, and it will be great to see his childhood friends again, but the thing that means so much to me is that my son made good choices in friends as a child. 

Moms, help your children surround themselves with Good Friends!  It is not always easy, but it is so important.  This son of mine was not homeschooled through middle school and high school.  He went to public school, and not even one of the better public schools in our town.  He rode the bus, played in the neighborhood and associated with many people.  He is a very social person and had an abundance of friends.  But we did not always allow him to play with everyone.  Yes, I was That Mom!  I encourage you to be, too! 

When we discovered that one of the neighborhood kids had started smoking, we discouraged him from hanging out with him.  Did our son like it?  No, he did not.  Did that stop us?  No, it did not.  My son didn’t always like me very much through middle and high school.  I had other smaller children that loved me at that time, so that probably made it easier for me:) When several of the boys in the neighborhood started experimenting with pot, we enrolled our son in Band, Scouts, and football.  We kept him so busy, he didn’t have time to cruise the neighborhood with nothing to do.  And we just said, “NO!”

We also taught him what the Bible teaches us about “companions”.  You have a Bible, I’ll let you read Proverbs for yourself – but I will encourage you to teach it to your children.  Don’t wait until they’re 13; you will have a much harder time reaching them then.  The best window of time is from about ages 5 or 6 until about 10 to 12.  That’s when you can teach them and they’ll hear you.   But if they’re already in their teens, don’t wait, start today! Tell them over and over, that they will become the average of the people they consistently surround themselves with.  Be the mom you know to be, saying no to spending time with people that don't help you be your best.  

Please don’t get the wrong impression.  My children are not perfect, I am not perfect.  My children and I  have made plenty of mistakes and have done foolish things.  I’ll save my blog about all my mistakes for another day…

“Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.”

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